What You Can Do

Here's some ideas

So, now that you know how much changing a couple simple things can help, you can start off by reviewing the Tips and Tricks page. To make it fun, try and see how many of them you can do per day. After a few days, try and see if you can beat your record! The day you make the highest record, you can consider yourself officially a green person!


The best website I would recommend if you are looking to make a difference, or simply learn some new information, is wwf.org. There, you can "adopt" any animal of your choice, for whichever amount of money you would prefer, and receive a certificate, a photo of the animal you adopted, a gift bag, and a plush stuffed animal. You can also sign up for a free emailed newsletter, which provides alerts, information, and things you can do.  I found it very helpful while doing research for reports. If you have another website you would recommend, please send it to me in the Comments page.

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