Tuesday, March 10, 2015

- 3/06/15 For the Benefit of Nature

         This is something I want everyone that visits my blog to know; this blog is not for me to be personally documenting my life, but for others to become aware of the condition our planet is in and act upon it. I will still post about my own plants like I always have, but most importantly my posts will be informative. I post articles and essays explaining how you can help, and I hope I am truly making a difference. You, also, can make an online project like Forever Nature, and contribute to the effort that wildlife activists are devotedly making. If anyone visits my blog, I want them to realize just how much the Earth needs our help, and how simple it is to provide it with the care it needs. But it isn't all so simple. The majority of the work that is most critical requires money and tons of effort--both of which not everyone can supply. But my personal goal is to supply both, and perhaps others will take my goal as their own. I am now donating money approximately twice a year, in amounts of around $15-20 per time, and I am going to be restarting my Park Day Clean Ups in Spring. Hopefully, with the help of the members of Forever Nature along with those who stumble across my blog, I bring about a genuine change for the better. But I can only accomplish this with your help. Thank you, again. Till the next post.

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